Top 6 Amateur Blogger Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Grachova Mariia
7 min

Hundreds of blogs appear daily on the Internet, but most of them fail to achieve the cherished goal for which they were created. What mistakes prevent bloggers from succeeding? Let's consider in more detail.

Mistake 1. Lack of specific topics

When blogging, you don't need to try to write about everything at once: the content posted should not be diverse. You shouldn't write about fishing, fashion, and politics at the same time. Decide on a topic that you know well, love, and dedicate your blog to it.

Thanks to the right topic, you will always have ideas for content, a desire to develop in the chosen direction, and a loyal audience.

🟣 Make a list of your interests. What do you want to broadcast to the world?

🟣 Who is your audience?

🟣 What problem will readers solve by reading your blog? Will they learn something new? Will they enjoy reading/viewing the post?

🟣 How much content do you plan to produce?

🟣 How do you plan to develop your blog?

Mistake 2. Irregular appearance of new content

Irregular appearance of new content

A simple rule says: constant updating of new publications on the site attracts more interest from visitors. To actively develop your blog, develop a schedule for the appearance of new content (every day or week, once every two weeks, monthly). Force yourself to follow the rules.

In order not to forget about the deadlines and tasks that are directly related to the publication of a new post or video, register with free project management software Loopo.

Here you and/or your team can easily control all publications, work with files and budgets, as well as plan and analyze workflow.

And the workspace interface can help you easily separate your blogs if you have several of them.

Mistake 3. Lack of quality content

Attendance of any site is determined by the content and cognition of its content. To keep readers interested in your blog, you need to learn how to write unique texts correctly. Copying other people's materials isn't allowed.

A thorough study of the topic is required before starting work. Content should be written in simple, understandable language. The text should not be overloaded with keywords. It must be remembered that content is created for a person, not for a search robot.

The main aspects of quality content are:

  • Optimization - Display in the search, issuance in the top search.
  • Literacy - Pleasant perception, trust in the author.
  • Relevance - To interest the reader/viewer.
  • Credibility - Increasing trust, returning the guest.
  • Informative - Solve the user's problem.
  • Uniqueness - Creating an image, your brand, which increases trust.

Mistake 4. Unattractive design

The first impression of visitors depends on the design of the blog. The appearance should be restrained, inharmoniously selected colors, not overloaded with unnecessary details.

Of course, the best option for a blogger is an individual design to order, but at the initial stage, this is unrealistic. Therefore, you can choose suitable ready-made templates for covers of channels and each video.

In our article Top 5 Apps Every Creator Needs, we have already talked about the best design apps in our opinion for all content creators - bloggers, SMM, digital marketers, and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Mistake 5. Leaving comments unanswered

Never ignore the comments of your blog visitors. The messages left are valuable to you because they show the reaction of readers, their interest in publications.

If you forget or do not want to write response messages, then this will negatively affect the popularity of your blog and its credibility.

Mistake 6. Thinking a blog will bring in quick money


Many people start blogging because of the false idea that they can make good money instantly. It's unrealistic. On the contrary, blogging requires a lot of time and focused effort to get the expected result.

Approaches to monetizing websites and blogs:

  • ​Earnings on advertising - this includes earnings on contextual advertising, on teaser and banner networks.
  • Earnings by selling links is an outdated, but still working way. This also includes advertising articles-reviews with links to products.
  • Earnings on affiliate programs are the most profitable way to monetize a blog today.
  • Making money selling (info) products is a popular way for bloggers to make money. They sell everything from their books and travel courses to Instagram filter sets.

​Depending on the niche of the blog, something works better, something worse, but the maximum result can only be achieved by combining the above methods.

How much can you earn from a blog?

  • The average earnings of a blog with less than 500 visitors per day will be $30-50 per month. It's highly not recommended to cover young sites/blogs with advertising - because of this, the search karma of the site/blog may be spoiled.
  • The average earnings of a blog with an attendance of 1000 - 2000 people per day will be $ 300-500. This figure depends on the cost of advertising, as well as on the affiliate programs that are used on the blog. In addition, there may be direct advertisers who want to place a banner or order a review article on your blog.
  • On a blog with an attendance of 2000-4000 people a day, with a competent approach, you can earn from $1500 or more.

Do your job with love - or don't do it at all! Let what you do solve people's problems, make life easier for them. Don't force blogging just for money or in the hope of a quick income. Make your blog useful to people sharing information, and then your efforts will pay off with interest.

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