Real Estate Social Media Marketing: From Clicks to Closing Deals

Grachova Mariia
30 min

Using social media in real estate is essential for showcasing listings, fostering lead generation, and crafting enduring brand identities. Beyond mere promotion, social media serves as a channel to build connections with prospective clients, nurture ongoing relationships, and cultivate a robust network of industry peers.

However, effective real estate marketing on social media demands a strategic approach. This means using specific tactics to amplify message dissemination. This comprehensive guide aims to provide real estate professionals with best practices for using social media to its full potential as a marketing tool. 

Some of the essential steps for building a great online presence include strategic planning, creating engaging visuals, adding storytelling to your real estate social media posts, applying paid advertising, and more. 

Let’s get started!

Benefits of using social media in the real estate field 

In the highly competitive real estate landscape, agents must maintain perpetual vigilance. With a staggering 90% of agents now showcasing their listings online, establishing a distinctive digital presence becomes imperative.

Venturing into social media for real estate will provide many opportunities for your brand, including the following:

pros of using real estate social media marketing

Enhanced awareness

Yearning for increased visibility on your listings? Want to draw larger crowds to your open houses? Applying social media for realtors is a prime way to convert views into sales. It opens doors to thousands of potential clients and serves as a poignant reminder to past clients of the value you offer, enticing them to engage with you once more.

Broaden reach

A meticulously curated social media account holds the potential to resonate with thousands of prospective customers. While superficial metrics may seem trivial, the impact of social media engagement on your real estate brand should not be underestimated.

Increased lead generation

Social media presents a potent platform for generating fresh real estate leads. While word-of-mouth referrals undoubtedly work, social media allows potential clients to discover you through relevant hashtags, collaborative Instagram endeavors, or organic searches.

Networking opportunities 

Despite the solitary facade often associated with real estate, fostering connections and community remains pivotal for brand expansion. Social media seamlessly facilitates interactions with kindred agents, brokers, and firms. Moreover, strategic collaborations online can significantly bolster your organic reach - embrace the prospect of teaming up with pertinent agents in the digital sphere.

More targeted audience 

Are you seeking high-net-worth clientele or attracting more first-time homebuyers to your fold? Real estate social media advertising empowers you to tailor your promotional efforts to specific demographics, locales, or areas of interest. This ensures precise targeting, optimizes resource allocation, and maximizes market penetration.

Cost-savings on marketing 

This is also one of the benefits of social media for real estate. Organic social media emerges as a remarkably cost-efficient marketing tool. With most social platforms offering free access and paid promotions delivering supplementary benefits, achieving desired clientele engagement does not entail exorbitant expenditure.

Tips for building the best social media strategy for real estate

Ready to begin your social media journey for real estate? Here are some insightful tips to craft a compelling social media strategy tailored to your real estate business:

Strategic planningcontent planning

Distinguish your real estate social media presence by crafting a meticulously planned strategy. It's not about just spur-of-the-moment posts; you require a comprehensive, long-term blueprint for nurturing your online following. Kickstart your social media strategy by devising a marketing calendar, segmenting your posts into batches, and allocating weekly time to curate content, update your schedule, and review analytics. Anticipate upcoming holidays or industry-specific occasions and integrate them into your planning. 

We recommend using tools like Loopo for seamless content planning, batching, and scheduling, ensuring your audience is consistently engaged.

Audience identification

Before formulating your real estate social media strategy, ascertain your target audience's characteristics and preferences. Are you catering to first-time homebuyers within specific locales? Or are you representing a luxury real estate firm aiming to connect with affluent buyers? Tailor your social media channels and overarching strategy in accordance with your target demographic. 

Keep in mind that real estate marketing platforms like Facebook may resonate more with older target groups. At the same time, younger audiences gravitate towards TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.

Brand representation

Effective branding is paramount in real estate, where client-agent relationships hinge on trust. However, branding transcends mere logos or color schemes - it encompasses the holistic experience you offer your clients. Deliberate how you wish to be perceived by potential and existing clients. 

For luxury firms, content spotlighting travel, upscale dining, and opulent lifestyles may be apt. Conversely, targeting first-time homebuyers could entail sharing personal milestones like engagements or family events. Above all, ensure your online persona authentically reflects your values, fostering genuine connections with your audience.

Compelling visuals and content 

In the real estate arena, visual allure reigns supreme. Elevate your social media channels with captivating visuals that showcase the essence of your listings. From immersive property walkthrough videos to meticulously curated photographs capturing various angles and perspectives, aim to evoke the "wow" factor. 

Embrace video-centric platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube to capitalize on their immense user engagement. Applying these channels effectively can substantially enhance your brand visibility and audience engagement.

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Attention-grabbing hooks

Crafting attention-grabbing hooks is an art form that may significantly influence your social media engagement. These concise phrases serve as invitations to further explore your content, enticing your audience to click and delve deeper into what you offer. Whether they arouse curiosity or address pressing questions relevant to your ideal clients' real estate journey, hooks are essential in capturing attention amidst the endless scroll.

Effective hooks are not just about garnering likes and views; they serve as gateways for potential followers to gauge your content's value and decide whether to engage further. A well-crafted hook can intrigue newcomers, prompting them to explore more of your content and potentially initiate contact with you.

Consider this example of a compelling hook designed to draw readers into educational content: "Uncover the mortgage secrets banks are keeping from you." 


Moving beyond hooks, storytelling emerges as a powerful tool for nurturing leads and fostering genuine connections on social media platforms. While hooks may initiate engagement, the narrative holds viewers' attention and fosters a deeper connection with your brand.

use storytelling to improve real estate social media marketing

​Stories resonate with audiences profoundly, with studies indicating that people retain significantly more information when presented in a narrative format. By weaving interesting social media marketing ideas for real estate that resonate with local buyers and sellers, you can position yourself as more than just an expert. You will become a relatable figure offering tailored solutions and personalized service

Moreover, social media algorithms favor content that captivates audiences for longer durations. By using storytelling techniques across platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok, you increase the likelihood of your content being seen by a wider audience. This influences your reach and potential impact.

For those hesitant about appearing on camera, fear not. You can still convey your story effectively through a combination of captivating visuals and compelling captions, ensuring that your message resonates with your audience regardless of format.

Compelling titles and captions

Illustration depicting an eye peering through a keyhole, highlighting key attributes: curiosity-inducing, FOMO (fear of missing out), urgency, numbered lists, and alliteration presented in vibrant hues. Remember that human behavior is deeply influenced by emotions. 

Savvy copywriters leverage this insight to craft captivating headlines and titles that compel readers to engage with their content.

While delving into the intricacies of psychology may not be necessary, it's crucial to acknowledge that facts and figures alone don't captivate audiences. Your audience consists of individuals whose decisions are often guided by emotions. Hence, when crafting titles for your content, your objective is to activate at least one of these emotional triggers.

Here are several approaches for crafting captivating titles and captions for your real estate social media content:

  • Instill fear-of-miisng-out (FOMO) and evoke a sense of urgency ("Last Chance! Sale Ends Tonight!")

  • Keep titles concise and impactful (aim for 60 characters or fewer to ensure visibility on smaller screens)

  • Harness the power of alliteration whenever feasible ("Master the Market")

  • Opt for specificity: Incorporate numbers to enhance credibility and engagement ("Unlock 5 Proven Strategies for Home Staging")

  • Utilize brackets or parentheses to pique curiosity and draw readers in

​Mastering the art of crafting emotionally resonant titles will inevitably lead to heightened reader engagement.

Customer service excellence

Forge meaningful connections with your audience by prioritizing responsive and courteous interactions across social media channels. Promptly address comments and messages, irrespective of their nature, to cultivate trust and rapport. Demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction by proactively addressing queries or concerns, thereby fostering a positive brand perception. 

​You can harness inbound marketing tools like Hootsuite Inbox to streamline social media engagement and customer service, enabling seamless management of messages and interactions across platforms.

Keep in mind that your past clients are valuable assets that can contribute to your continued success. Don't underestimate maintaining strong relationships with them. Regularly engage with their social media accounts and show genuine interest in their endeavors and lives. By staying top-of-mind and reinforcing your connection, you strengthen existing relationships and increase the likelihood of referrals and repeat business.

Analytics for continuous improvement

Elevating your content quality is key to standing out in the crowded real estate market. Data-driven insights are vital for refining your social media strategy and maximizing engagement. Embrace the analytical capabilities offered by social media platforms to track key metrics such as engagement, audience reach, and conversion rates.

analytics is a must for the real estate social media manager

While organic reach is valuable, leveraging paid advertising strategies can amplify your social media presence and attract a broader target audience. Partnering with expert agencies enables you to craft targeted and impactful campaigns tailored to your specific goals and target demographics. By strategically allocating your advertising budget and leveraging advanced targeting options, you can maximize your ROI (return on investment) and achieve tangible results that drive business growth.

SEO optimization

 It is essential to ensure your posts are optimized for search engines (SEO). This will elevate visibility and engage potential clients. Agents should refine their content by researching keywords relevant to their target audience and adding them to captions, descriptions, and hashtags. Visual elements such as images and videos should also be carefully optimized with descriptive filenames, alt text, and pertinent keyword captions.

Local SEO is also vital in real estate marketing, necessitating the inclusion of location-specific keywords and geotagging posts to enhance visibility within local search results. 

Educational empowerment

Utilize your social media platforms to demystify real estate and empower potential clients with valuable insights and information. Share market trends, offer guidance on preparing for home purchases or sales, and provide inspiration for enhancing living spaces. By positioning yourself as a knowledgeable resource, you can build credibility with your target group as they navigate their real estate endeavors.

Community building

Transform your social media pages into vibrant communities where audiences converge to explore real estate markets, share insights, and connect over shared interests. Cultivate long-term relationships with your followers by fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie. Recognize the potential for these connections to evolve into valuable client relationships, thereby fortifying your brand presence and loyalty.

Consistent presence

Consistency is paramount in the fast-paced realm of social media, where catching the audience's attention is a perpetual challenge. Real estate agents poised for success prioritize regular posting and adhere to a clearly defined content strategy. Implement batching, scheduling, and tracking mechanisms to ensure a steady cadence of posts aligned with your strategic objectives. By establishing a consistent online presence, you enhance your visibility and resilience in a competitive landscape.

Incorporate these real estate social media marketing strategies into your marketing approach and establish a strong online presence that will drive measurable results for your business.

Main mistakes to avoid when leveraging social media 

Now, let's consider some common pitfalls agents often encounter when building social media marketing strategy:

Concealing your individuality 

As a novice agent, it's tempting to retreat into the shadow of your brokerage's esteemed reputation on social media. After all, the assumption might be that people already hold trust in your brokerage. However, this strategy harbors two significant flaws: Firstly, potential clients are more concerned with your personal expertise and knowledge than the brokerage you represent. 

Neglecting the power of video

In the realm of real estate marketing on social media, video reigns supreme. Listing videos offer prospective buyers a more immersive experience of a property compared to static images. Studies even suggest that maintaining eye contact, even through video, fosters trust with consumers. 

Video content transcends mere property showcases and trust-building. It also amplifies your content's visibility, as social media algorithms on platforms like Instagram and Facebook favor video content. Moreover, platforms like TikTok and YouTube necessitate video content for engagement.

Not adding CTAs

Every interaction with your target group is an opportunity to guide them further along the customer journey. Whether it's inviting them to explore your website, subscribe to your newsletter, or attend an upcoming open house, CTAs empower your audience to take the next step. Incorporate clear and compelling call-to-actions into your social media posts to encourage engagement and drive action. By providing multiple avenues for interaction, you can deepen your connection with your audience and move them closer to conversion.

Failing to diversify your content

A prevalent oversight observed among agents and brokers on social media is the tendency to recycle identical content repeatedly. While videos are indeed an effective means to connect with your audience, not all followers will engage with them. Opt instead for a diverse content strategy when making your social media calendar. This approach not only broadens your reach but also improves the overall appeal of your profile.

Sole reliance on headshots

The era of relying solely on a single polished headshot plastered across all platforms has long passed. While a professional headshot remains pivotal to your personal brand, does it genuinely encapsulate your personality? Does it offer potential leads a glimpse into your character beyond the professional facade? Consider investing time in capturing a range of lifestyle images to infuse your market updates, educational content, and other non-video posts with a touch of your personal brand.

Not creating an action plan 

Consistency is the cornerstone of effective social media marketing. To maintain a consistent presence and maximize your impact, it's essential to develop a comprehensive plan of action. Start by outlining your goals, identifying your target audience, and determining the type of content that will resonate with them. Create a content calendar to organize your posting schedule and ensure a steady flow of high-quality content. 

By planning ahead and staying organized, you can avoid the pitfalls of inconsistency and position yourself for long-term success in the competitive real estate landscape.

Want to streamline your content management? Give Loopo a try. Sign up today!

Try to avoid these common mistakes and navigate the social media landscape with confidence. Remember, authenticity, valuable content, and strategic planning are the keys to success. 

Best social media platforms for real estate agents

Determining the optimal social media platforms for real estate agents hinges on the demographics of your target audience. As per insights from the National Association of Real Estate Agents, the predominant homebuyer cohorts comprise older millennials and Gen Xers.

share of real estate buyers and sellers by generation

These demographic segments exhibit a proclivity toward platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

Let's delve into a comprehensive overview of the marketing potential and limitations of the top social media platforms.


The undisputed titan of social media, Facebook remains unparalleled for reaching individuals primed for transactions, whether buying or selling. With a staggering 70% of American adults active on the platform and a notable 54% aged 35 or older, it's an optimal space to engage with prospective homebuyers. Notably, over 20% of users are aged 60 and above, a demographic often synonymous with home sellers.

Top marketing approaches for Facebook:

  • Showcasing listings

  • Community engagement

  • Cultivating leads

  • Targeted advertising avenues

Key demographics: Empty nesters, repeat buyers, home sellers, first-time buyers

Downsides: Its prominence is gradually diminishing compared to alternative platforms.


With a slightly younger user base compared to Facebook, Instagram offers a fertile ground for reaching a demographic less inclined towards the 60+ age group. However, its user distribution within the 35-44 age range closely mirrors that of Facebook, rendering it an optimal channel for engaging with younger homebuyers and sellers.

Top marketing strategies for Instagram:

  • Educational content for buyers and sellers

  • Showcasing listings

  • Establishing personal branding

  • Targeted advertising avenues

Key demographics: First-time buyers, younger buyers & sellers

Downsides: Limited reach among sellers over 60 compared to Facebook.


LinkedIn earns its place as the third most potent tool for business marketing due to its concentration of high-income professionals undergoing relocations. Its unique positioning, often overlooked by competitors focused on Facebook and Instagram, offers a distinct advantage in accessing a lucrative market segment.

Top marketing strategies for LinkedIn:

  • Networking with relocation prospects

  • Lead nurturing

  • Providing market updates and predictions

  • Educational content for buyers and sellers

Key demographics: Corporate relocation clients, business professionals

Downsides: Smaller user base and restricted targeting options.


Although primarily a search engine, YouTube serves as an invaluable platform for engaging with first-time buyers, thanks to its algorithm prioritizing local content. Content addressing local neighborhoods, eateries, and market insights not only ranks higher in search results but also enjoys promotion to relevant audiences.

Top marketing strategies for YouTube:

  • Hyper-local content creation

  • Neighborhood guides

  • Restaurant reviews

  • Educating first-time buyers

  • Predicting local market trends

Key demographics: First-time buyers, relocation leads

Downsides: Lower engagement compared to Facebook or Instagram.


The allure of TikTok for business promotion is undeniable, albeit challenging to harness effectively. While some agents and brokers have achieved viral success, converting views into actionable leads remains a hurdle, largely due to the platform's youthful user base and emphasis on entertainment.

Top marketing strategies for TikTok:

  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses

  • Humorous content

  • Skits and memes

  • Educating first-time buyers

  • Predicting local market trends

Key demographics: First-time buyers

Downsides: Difficulty in lead conversion despite growing usage among older demographics.

X (formerly Twitter)

Twitter, now referred to as X, possesses the requisite demographics to engage both buyers and sellers. However, its utility as a marketing tool is comparatively limited, with minimal local targeting options. Nonetheless, it excels as a resource for sourcing breaking real estate news and influencer trends for dissemination across other platforms.

Top marketing strategies for X:

  • Curating content for cross-platform posting

  • Networking with real estate influencers

Key demographics: Real estate influencers

Downsides: Severe limitations in targeting capabilities.

Successful examples of real estate social media marketing 

Still pondering how to market real estate on social media effectively? Here are some standout social media campaigns that can inspire you for real estate content ideas:

Graham Stephan

With a subscriber base exceeding 4.1 million, real estate YouTuber Graham Stephan stands as a prominent figure in real estate social media. However, beyond mere listings and property walkthroughs, Graham provides valuable insights, tips, and glimpses into his personal journey toward achieving multi-millionaire status at the age of twenty-six. 

His content is a testament to the fact that your audience comprises more than just potential clients—it also includes individuals seeking inspiration and knowledge. Consider leveraging content to not only engage clients but also to inspire the next generation of real estate professionals while bolstering your personal brand.

Oakwyn Realty

It is a real estate firm based in Vancouver, BC, which exemplifies the notion that brand recognition doesn't necessarily require overt branding. Instead of focusing solely on property showcases or agent accolades, Oakwyn concentrates on amplifying its values, motivating its agents, and fostering a cohesive brand identity through its social media content. 

By sharing visually appealing content coupled with inspirational quotes, Oakwyn positions itself as a brand committed to its agents' well-being and success—an ethos that resonates with buyers, sellers, and agents alike. This approach underscores how prioritizing content over direct sales can elevate your real estate socials marketing efforts.

example of thriving real estate social media marketing

Engel & Völkers

For real estate brokerage Engel & Völkers, a home represents more than just bricks and mortar—it symbolizes memories, significant life milestones, security, and more. In their property walkthrough videos, Engel & Völkers transcends the conventional by illustrating not only a property's physical attributes but also envisioning its lifestyle. 

From weddings to raising children, their content paints a vivid picture of the potential life experiences associated with living in a particular home. Utilize your real estate social media content to immerse clients in a property's envisioned lifestyle, enhancing the appeal and accelerating sales.

example of captivating real estate social media marketing

Miranda Caldwell

Platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts thrive on engaging and short content. Leveraging these platforms, real estate agent Miranda Caldwell showcases the most captivating features of her listings through brief, intriguing videos. Consider how you can leverage the unique attributes of your properties to create compelling real estate content ideas that captivate your audience and drive engagement.

example of captivating real estate content ideas

Tools to enhance your real estate socials marketing efforts 

Here are three indispensable tools for streamlining your real estate social network marketing efforts in 2024:


Starting Price: Free – $9.99 per month

Capcut is a great tool for a real estate social media manager

Capcut has become a go-to platform for editing viral videos and memes across social media platforms. It offers a comprehensive suite of editing tools similar to those used by professional video editors, all packaged in a user-friendly interface. The best part? You can access a basic version of Capcut for free, making it accessible to all levels of users.

Visit Capcut


Starting Price: Free – $6 per month for single users

Buffer is a great tool for a real estate social media manager

Buffer revolutionizes social media posting by automating the process, eliminating the need for manual content scheduling. With Buffer, you can input a month's worth of content and let it handle the posting automatically. It even integrates an AI assistant and a landing page builder into its feature set, all available at no cost.

Visit Buffer

Coffee & Contracts

Starting Price: $54 per month

Coffee & Contracts is a great tool for a real estate social media manager

Founded in 2018 by Realtor Haley Ingram, Coffee & Contracts simplifies the task of promoting your personal brand on social media. Primarily tailored for Instagram users, Coffee & Contracts offers a comprehensive toolkit for planning, creating, and scheduling a year's worth of social media content right from the get-go. Their platform enhances the visual appeal of real estate social media, making scrolling a more aesthetically pleasing experience.

Try Coffee & Contracts


Starting price: Free – $12.95 per month for Canva Pro

Canva is a great tool for a real estate social media manager

Canva offers a user-friendly platform for creating stunning graphics and visual content for social media posts, ads, and more. This tool provides a drag-and-drop interface and an extensive library of templates. In general, Canva is a great helper for social media marketing for real estate agents looking to elevate their online presence.

Visit Canva


Starting price: Free – $49 per month for Professional plan

Hootsuite is a great tool for a real estate social media manager

Hootsuite is a comprehensive and user-friendly social media management platform that allows real estate agents. With its help, they can check engagement, schedule posts, and analyze performance across multiple social networks from one dashboard. Its analytics tools provide valuable insights for optimizing your social media strategy.

Try Hootsuite


Starting price: Free

Unsplash is a great tool for a real estate social media manager

Unsplash is a leading source of high-quality, royalty-free images that real estate agents can use to enhance their social media content. With a vast collection of photos contributed by photographers worldwide, Unsplash offers an extensive range of visuals to complement your posts.

Visit Unsplash


Starting price: Free trial – $12.00 per month

Loopo is a great tool for a real estate social media manager

This is your best tool for content management and planning. It is a convenient use planner for your social posts with integrated artificial intelligence technology. With its help, you can create engaging texts and improve them. You will also receive a clear schedule of your content plan for months. 

Visit Loopo

These tools provide a real estate social media manager with the necessary resources to streamline their social media marketing efforts, engage their audience effectively, and ultimately drive business growth.

Ways to grow your social media followers 

Here are some unique ways to boost your real estate business's social media presence:

Elevate your visibility

It's surprising how often real estate agents overlook the simple step of promoting their social media accounts across all touchpoints, from their website to marketing materials and even their Google Business Profile. The more accessible you make your contact information, the greater the likelihood of attracting leads.

Maintain consistent engagement

Setting up social media profiles isn't sufficient; you need to keep them buzzing with activity. Regularly monitor comments, messages, and updates and ensure a steady stream of content to engage and interest your audience.

Inject personality into your brand

In a crowded digital landscape, standing out is vital. Infuse your brand with your unique personality to create an authentic online presence that resonates with your potential clients. By showcasing what sets you apart, you'll capture attention and forge deeper connections with your audience.

Consider outsourcing social media management

Navigating the intricacies of diverse social media platforms and keeping up with ever-evolving algorithms can be overwhelming. Investing in professional social media management can alleviate this burden, enabling you to focus on your core business while experts handle your online presence. It's a strategic move that can drive impressive results without the hassle of DIY management.

Conclusion: increase leads and sales 

In today's digital real estate market, social media isn't just a place to showcase pretty listings – it's the key to engaging qualified leads. Implement the real estate social media marketing strategies outlined in this brief and use your digital presence for lead generation. 

Remember, social media is a two-way street. Foster conversations, build relationships and showcase your expertise. The "likes" and "shares" will follow, ultimately leading you to that most satisfying click: the one that signs the closing papers. Start posting captivating content, engage your audience, and watch your social media efforts blossom into real estate success stories.

Feel free to explore our blog for a wealth of insights on content marketing. If you need a handy solution for organizing your content strategy, Loopo is your go-to tool.

Frequently Asked
Questions Writing Hand Icon

How does social media benefit real estate marketing?
Social media platforms offer vast audiences for showcasing properties, engaging with potential buyers, and enhancing brand visibility. Through targeted ads and strategic networking, agents can effectively reach qualified leads and drive conversions.
What strategies optimize real estate agent's social media presence?
It is crucial to consistently post quality content, such as virtual tours or property photos. Add hashtags, geotagging, and collaborate with influencers. Engage with followers through comments, messages, and live sessions to enhance trust.
Which social platforms are best for real estate marketing?
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are highly effective because of their large user bases and varied content formats.

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