How to Assign Tasks to Team Members in Creative Teams

When a manager or a project manager makes mistakes at the stage of setting a task, an irreversible chain is launched: the team (especially the content team) doesn`t understand the purpose of the task, doesn`t see the deadlines, and doesn't feel responsible for the result.
Oral tasks are non-existent tasks. Fix each task in the project management app and use the SMART approach when completing it.
Task management using SMART technology
Any task should be:
S - Specific
M - Measuring
A - Achievable
R - Relevant
T - Time-Bound
Smart tasks have a simple logic and structure, but most importantly, they have clearly defined goals and deadlines.
How to set tasks correctly
🟣 Fix all tasks about publication in the content management software
If the task is set verbally, in a messenger, or by email, the chance that the task will be lost is high. It is inconvenient to chat on a task in a messenger or by email.
🟣 Create a publication creating guide
This will be an internal instruction of the company, in which you will describe the rules and stages for creating a new publication. For example: in what order tasks are taken into work (by priority, by deadlines, etc.), who can close the task, is it necessary to check the manager before closing the task, and other options.
Access to the internal instruction inside the task manager can be for all teams or only for those who create tasks.
Manual by team task management software
This is how the finished publication looks in the content manager app. Now let's take a closer look at how to issue a task effectively.
Write the name of the publication
The title should reveal the main essence of the publication, be clear and concise. The title should be written in such a way that it is clear what it is about, without falling into the description.
✅ Need to — Create a Valentine's Day video for client XX.
The title of this task answers the questions: What to do? For whom to do it? Additional information on the task you can place in the comments to it.
❌ How not to write — An urgent task for Alexander from the marketing department for Wednesday.
Choose a responsible person
Lack of responsibility for the result is one of the reasons for the unfulfillment of the task. The person responsible for the task controls the workflow, can create interim reports, and make changes.
If the team has questions about the task due to work, the responsible person will give answers, more information, and clarify the data with the client (if necessary).
Add members
If a team of several people is working on a publication. Members will receive notifications about changes by email and in the system itself. Participants see information about the task and can track its progress.
In the process of working on a publication, a responsible person may change, other team members may be involved.
Set deadlines
This can be a deadline for completing work on a publication or a deadline in a start-finish format. Clear deadlines allow efficient time management. If the deadlines are clear for the publication, the team works for the result.
Set planned expenses
How much time and money will it take to complete the publication successfully? The online content planner has an option "Budget", where you can specify the budget of the publication.
Comparison of planned and actual costs in the course of work is a quick reaction to changes.
A team can also contribute the amount of cost to the actual costs after the publication is completed. For example: if the fact differs from the plan and the budget turns out to be more than expected, this information is transferred to the manager or client.
Comparison of plan and fact significantly reduces the chance of financial and temporary losses.
Describe the publication
In the description box, write information about the publication, importance, goal, requirements. Write in such a way that after reading the team that is working on the publication and the Responsible, there are no questions left. The description should be clear, important, measurable.
When a team is working on a task, and there is a request, comment, or question for an individual team member, mark it in the comment box. So the chances of losing important information among the general information on the task are minimized.
Add tags and statuses
Statuses and tags are additional options for efficient task setting.
Statuses and tags - as markers of the stages of the publication and features of the workflow. A task can have one status and a set of tags.
Status is an indicator of the stage of work. For example, the task has been taken to work in the social media content planner and the status "In progress" has been assigned to it. When the publication is completed and posted on Instagram, its status will be changed to "Done". There can be several tags for a task, in contrast to the status.
With tags, the publication is labeled with specific features of the workflow. An example of labels by type of work: "Installation", "Design", "Edits". An example of tags by time characteristics: "April", "September", etc.
An example of tags for quality characteristics: "Excellent", "Super", "Done perfectly", etc. That is, for one publication, you can make a set of tags, where tags will be used indicating the type of work, time, quality, etc. The account has a standard set of tags. You can also create your own, taking into account the specifics of the company.
4 common mistakes in setting tasks in content project management
1️⃣ No understanding of the result.
The team that works on the publication must understand the result.
What should be the result? What result should the team achieve when working on the task?
If the project is a global goal, then each individual task within the framework of this project is an intermediate goal that will lead to the achievement of the global goal.
A team that doesn’t understand the importance and expediency of the task is reluctant to work on its implementation: efficiency decreases, deadlines are shifted.
2️⃣ Unrealistic timeline.
For each task, it is important to determine the deadline, taking into account: the level of complexity, the number of employees involved in its implementation, and the workload of the team at the current moment.
Unrealistic deadlines can lead to two negative scenarios: the task will be performed poorly or not completed at all.
3️⃣ Difficult tasks.
For example: in one task there are several levels of complexity. Complex tasks should be broken down into simpler ones. One difficult task = several simple ones. One task should focus on achieving one goal.
Preparing a video for YouTube is actually a big complex task that consists of many steps and that needs a youtube project management application. And we can advise you to divide it into writing a script, purchasing props, agreements with the location and actors, filming, editing, optimizing the video, promoting it, and many-many others.
4️⃣ Incomplete information.
The information on the task should be exhaustive: Think about what other resources the person in charge will need to start implementation immediately.
When there is little information on the task, the team often thinks it out on its own: Someone is afraid to ask a question, someone hopes to understand the process.
How to clearly set goals?
Effective project management is based on the use of a SMART approach when setting and executing each new task. This implies that it must be fixed in the task manager, and meet the following criteria: specificity, measurability, achievability, significance, and time constraints. Creating internal instruction for setting goals helps ensure that they are set clearly and competently.
How to properly control the execution of tasks?
The best way to effectively control the execution of content-based tasks for your projects is to use content project management software Loopo, which offers extensive functionality and built-in Agile tools. Thanks to the capabilities provided by Loopo, it is possible to correctly estimate time costs, analyze efficiency, track the current status of a task, and many other factors. The platform is equipped with an easy-to-understand interface and can be easily adapted to the specific goals of companies of various sizes and directions.
What are the tasks of a leader?
The project manager acts as a link between the customer and the team of performers, and his main function is to ensure the implementation of project tasks. In addition to it, several other tasks are set for the project manager: planning, setting tasks for performers and monitoring their implementation, monitoring, analysis, and risk management throughout the entire life cycle of the project.
How to work with subordinates?
The three most important compositions for a properly built interaction between a manager and his subordinates: high professionalism, the ability to competently delegate authority, and correct communication with performers. Thanks to the skillful combination of these three components, a successful leader can increase the productivity of his subordinates.
How to control the execution of tasks remotely?
A very effective and easy-to-use solution for monitoring the implementation of project tasks by remote employees is the Loopo project management service. The platform is adapted for teamwork using Agile and is equipped with extensive functionality that allows you to control remote employees and keep a proper record of their working time.
How to complete tasks on time?
Delivering tasks on time is one of the key indicators of successful project management. To achieve this goal, it is important to adhere to three key principles: well-established two-way communication between the leader and subordinates, the correct distribution of tasks, as well as priority in the issue of “multitasking or focusing”. An effective tool for tracking tasks and displaying them on a chart is Loopo, a project management software equipped with an extensive arsenal of functions and tools.
How to give orders?
First, the order must be given by the head directly to the performer, and not through intermediaries. Secondly, it is important to provide the subordinate with key information: about the purpose of this work, the deadline for its completion, etc. Thirdly, the employee may have questions regarding the task assigned to him or the idea for its implementation, they should also be listened to.
Conclusion - ✅
The leader should not expect employees to read his thoughts and independently think out the essence of the task. If an employee doesn't understand something, he will not always ask clarifying questions. In most cases, employees think:
“I won’t ask stupid questions and bother the manager over trifles. I will do as I understand and as I know.” Therefore, it is necessary to set tasks as transparent and understandable for the employee as possible. And in the form in which they perceive the task and proceed to its implementation.